Cosmin Siritean

Founder Junior

Drag race.

2018-12-12 11:59:26

Mocănița vs f10

Cosmin Siritean

Founder Junior

Xmas lights.

2018-12-11 21:42:53

-Iasi, România.

Cosmin Siritean

Founder Junior

The Forestry Narrow Gauge Steam Train - “Mocanita”

2018-11-28 16:30:21

The line was constructed in 1933 by CAPS and has been operating daily ever since. Unlike the standard gauge trains that run on 1435 mm gauge, “Mocanita” track gauge is 760 mm for an easier access on the rocky valleys hidden in the century old forests. Through mountains and deep forests the train follows the valleys and the river banks to the delight of the tourists.

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