Chinasa Jane Okereke

Learn to let go

2019-10-04 10:59:11

Never give anyone the impression that he's too special. When you work hard and it's not working. Learn to let go. It hurts, sometimes you might feel like giving up, but I tell you, that feeling is temporal. You will find out actually that he or she wasn't really important. #LETLOVELEAD

Chinasa Jane Okereke

A beautiful face, 'fades' but a beautiful heart lasts 'forever' #CHOOSEWISELY

Chinasa Jane Okereke

#FAMILY. Family are those people that are will to hold your hand, to stand by you when you're down, they might not necessarily be related to you by blood. But they are willing to help you through the difficult times. To cry and also to celebrate with you. Don't make the mistake of choosing a family. #LETLOVELEAD.