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What is the liposomal vitamin-c?

2019-11-06 14:44:55

After learning about the wonderful healing effects of vitamin c, that once in the ages our liver produced this vitamin according to the body's need, as it does in wild animals today, but probably due to a genetic defect we no longer produce vitamin c in our body, i wanted to find out more.

I found out, that we all have a different need for vitamin-c, as the condition of our health is different. But the need for this vitamin begins from 6 grams a day. 

And if we want to buy it, we need to know, which kind of vitamin-c to buy.

Injections of large amounts of vitamin C are used for treatment, but some time ago liposomal vitamin C was invented, that could be self-administered. It is more expensive than the usual pills and powders sold at the pharmacy and natural products stores, but it is better absorbed by the body than by even injection. Therefore, treatment with  injectable vitamin c and liposomal formulation are now used simultaneously, further improving the course of treatment.

Liposomal vitamin c is commercially available in pharmacies and should be squeezed directly into the mouth before meals. Unfortunately, although it is not commercially available in large quantities, there are only 1000 mg small sachets, which means only 1 g of vitamin c, but even a few grams of vitamin c per day can help with many ailments.

If you want to find out more about the subject, I just wrote a review of Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD`s book about vitamin-c. The writer has collected 15 years these materials about thousands of researches and wrote down his own experiences and also other doctors` ones.

This kind of liposomal vitamin-c is sold in our pharmacies in Estonia.