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The Chopra Solution to Permanent Weight Loss, Well-Being, and Lightness of Soul

2019-09-23 11:10:49

This book was published in english in 2013. I have read some Deepak Chopra's books before, here in Cam.TV I have written a review about his "Perfect Health".

In the book, the author tells how he has gradually become more aware of his nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. He draws attention to various causes of hunger, talks about diets, the connection between body and mind, the medical perspectives on health, suggests mental exercises, talks about Ayurveda, explains the effects of various foods on our body and mind and much more.

I read this book some time ago, but as I browsed through it again, there are some things, that i remember more than others. For example the suggestion, that every meal should have 6 flavors, so when i make a salad, I always think about what I put in there:

1) I often use soy sauce or sometimes just Himalayan salt for salty flavor,

2) I use pepper mix for bitter taste or also lettuce and radish are a bit bitter,

3) for sour taste i use lemon,

4) nuts and seeds or beans for astringent taste,

5) for spicy flavor garlic or sometimes chilli (less often in salads, chilli more in hot meals and fresh garlic in a salad or added to a purée soup so that it is fresh and not heated);

6) for sweet taste I use a little honey in salads, in hot meals sweeter vegetables like carrots or sweet potatoes.

In Ayurveda, emotions are considered to be an important part of the communication between body and mind. These 6 flavors are important not only in food, but they also provide awareness qualities to describe our emotions, such as sweet sleep, spicy joke, dry humor and many more. Just as it is important to include all six flavors in every meal, so does our brain respond to all flavors of life. And even if bitterness and sour feelings are not considered positive emotions, people have a developed desire to experience life as colorfully as possible, because the play of life unfolds through opposites. If someone is constantly sweet, it can seem lousy and too much, just like eating sweets all day long. A drop of bitterness has a soothing effect and adds depth, but in large quantities is not pleasant. It is not good to overemphasize any emotional flavor, and it is not useful to ignore any of them at all either. Each taste has its place in the metabolism of experience, and striking a balance between all these tastes will enrich our life experiences.

In addition to flavors, the colors of the meal should also be observed. Ayurveda sees a connection with substances contained in foods here. Bright and deeply colored foods contain the highest amount of antioxidants and plant-based nutrients that boost immunity.

There are several tables in the book, that list different foods and their effects on the body and mind, such as spices for example and how they are used in meals and their effects.

Conscious eating is just one way of applying awareness. If we realize, that awareness is the key to the highest levels of minds and spiritual contentment, a broader horizon will open up to us. We can only control our eating if we eat consciously. The same goes for other activities, it is important to try to be aware of and see things as they are, to live in the moment, to always focus on the current actions, not to hurry and think about something else, and not to forget gratitude. Otherwise we will have no satisfaction from our activities, but more likely a crisis of motivation will arrive. In our everyday lives we tend to forget such simple things, but when we find time to read books or go to various educational lectures about self-development, these simple truths come to mind again and inspire us to strive for a happier life.

The book is quite voluminous and enjoyable to read, I listened to it in audio, because I run at the same time. So I can do two things at once and running can be fun even for those, who don`t like running.