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Preparing for autumn, which natural supplements to choose?

2019-08-13 10:14:04

This time I bought the following supplements from a pure natural products shop:

Vitamin D3, which is the best defense for the immune system and the bones, is often not available in sufficient quantities from food and the sun.

Omega 3 Capsules with Linseed Oil (Vegetal) - Omega 3 fatty acids are important suppressants in inflammatory mediators. They alleviate the effects of over exercise as well as stiffness of joints and inflammatory processes. They lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. In doing so, they improve hearts work and health, while improving blood flow to the head and muscles. They have also been shown to improve body oxygenation with increased airway capacity and improved vision, improve cognitive performance, maintain a positive mood, drive away depression and neurodegenerative disorders, and cognitive decline due to old age. It is also good to consume hemp oil, for example, where omega-6 (they are pre-inflammatory) and omega-3 (anti-inflammatory) fatty acids are in good balance and hydrogenated vegetable oil is to be abandoned.

Third, I took a vitamin B complex containing B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 B8, folate, B12, and vitamin H (D-Biotin) : supports the body's general (nervous and hormonal system, metabolism and digestive processes, brain, musculature, heart and cardiovascular system) and mental performance. Involved in cellular energy production by reducing fatigue.

Fourth, Pau D`Arco: Has antibacterial effect, inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi in the body, supports the immune system and increases resistance to inflammatory processes.

Fifth, the herbal supplement magnesium, which is a mixture of calcium and magnesium obtained from filtered and concentrated seawater and calcified algae, is an easily obtainable and natural product. It reduces fatigue, works well on joints and muscles, and balances stress.

Sixth is a herbal probiotic tablet, that supports digestive processes.

The seventh is the saffron extract, which is to support the nervous system and for good sleep.

Finally, a complex containing iodine, selenium, zinc, chromium and other essential substances that are not available in sufficient quantities from food.

From salad oils i took the hemp seed oil and thistle oil and the hemp tea.