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One book written by Elizabeth Gilbert - the author of "Eat Pray Love" , that I read.

2019-08-15 20:48:53

Creative Living Beyond Fear. The book was published in english 2015 in New York, and in estonian 2016.

The author talks about bravery - creative life is the path to courage. When bravery dies, so does creativity. But fear always goes hand in hand with creativity, and so the writer has learned to balance the two.

In the book, the writer talks about her life, the creative spirit, how ideas emerge and how they choose a person, how a creative spirit can abandon a person if the person does not realize the idea in time. The writer believes, that the creative spirit has a magic power, it is not of human origin, and tells stories about her life and things, that happened. She talks about who or what ideas are and how they behave - that ideas are energetic life forms and that they are able to communicate with us. They have no material body, but they have consciousness and certainly will. They have one urge and that is to be born. They are looking for people to help them get born. The idea selects the person and then starts sending signals to him. If a person is too busy with life worries, he  will not notice them and he  will not hear or feel the creative spirit, but in a calm and relaxed way, the idea will come into contact with the person and the person will start to act. There are even cases in the writer's life, where she has sent ideas to other people, while she was too busy.

The story of writing a novel was also fascinating, when the idea left the writer, because she had been busy with her life for a while and when she tried to continue with the novel after 2 years, the idea went away to another person, who wrote a similar novel.

The writer talks about her experiences with the creative spirit and gives advice on how to deal with it better, how to pursue ideas while being open to them.

The book explains how people around the world have made similar discoveries at the same time, which often happens. This happens not only in science, but also with business ideas, and in love relationships - no one has been interested in you for years, but when someone comes, then they come more at the same time.

A poet familiar with the writer talked about how his poems were caught. While working in the field, he sometimes heard the poem approach him and then ran as fast as he could home to a paper and pencil. When he was faster than the poem, he got it on the paper in time, as if someone was dictating it. But when he was too late, it was gone and would not come back. There were also occasions, when he grabbed the poems tail at the last moment and held it with one hand, but wrote it down with the other hand.Then it appeared upside down - last word first, but otherwise complete. This shows, that ideas and poems are even before they come to us, we just have to catch them and cooperate with them.

The book is fascinating and well written, I read it a while ago, but I would like to read it again. It helps to understand the nature of ideas and gives advice on how to give them life.