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One book, that talks about the effects of different celestial bodies on the Earth and with which energies they affect our planet

2020-01-07 15:15:30

The book was published in 2015 in english "Golden Age, Golden Earth", but in original in danish.

Everything written in this book is based on the author's energetic cognition and clairvoyance.

Our planet Earth is where we come to learn. But if we want to know exactly, what we came here to do and why we are exactly what we are and how people of the same age can be so different, astrology can help us here. If you want to know, how to be happier and understand the different "invisible" influences and other human beings, or to know where we are going, this book, which is this authors 22-nd, is eye-opening.

The author shares her vision of the planetary origin of human oddities and explains the technical aspects of the energy structures of the new age and their impact.

Anni Sennov is dedicated to helping people to enjoy life, understand their companions and see the future golden, because that's what it is!

There is a dualistic energy inherent on planet Earth and all the contradictions associated with it. Everything here is divided into spiritual and material, good and bad, etc. In fact, this has been the case since ancient times until today, when spiritual energy begins to take shape and become visible and perceptible to everyone.

The main purpose of this book is to explain the fusion of spiritual energy and dense material energy, which means, that the spirit helps to increase the frequency of material energy while purifying it, while still leaving it visible. For mankind, this means, that we now have a much greater chance of success than ever before. This opportunity will not disappear as we approach things holistically and try our best to benefit our planet by improving its balance, consciousness and knowledge.

In addition to dualistic energy, there is creating, creation power and masculine and feminine aspect on the Earth. Without the power of creation to cooperate in every aspect of the materialization, realization, and visualization of things and situations, nothing material could be created on Earth. Creative power can be equated with masculine energy and creation with feminine energy, whereas both creative power and creation carry both - masculine and feminine energy, because everything is dualistic - nothing on this planet is purely masculine or feminine.

Being a planet of creativity and creative power, the Earth has always been a popular destination for other beings of other universes, who have been massively desirous of being born into a human body, where they can evolve in an unconventional way and test their personal and cosmic consciousness and wisdom in a much more intensive way. And this is especially so at this time now, when the Earth is going through an extraordinary increase in frequency.

The Maya`s calendar ended December 21, 2012 (which carried the energy of distinguishing between right and wrong, or between useful and non-useful), which means, that everyone, who can now make choices, that support them as well as the whole world and all humans, can create anything they want, because we have reached the time of creation.

In an effort to better understand the role of the Earth in the overall cosmic evolution and in our own planetary system, the author takes a closer look at the ten celestial bodies in our solar system, examining their impact on consciousness on Earth and local creatures born with certain planetary influences. Understanding the basic energies and forms of life on the planets makes it easier to understand the various energy relationships in the solar system.

The book gives an insight into the crystalline energy, that has been increasingly powerfully integrated to the Earth since 2000 - first into the aura of all children born, and later into many other children, young people and those, who have a healthy and conscious lifestyle. Crystallization of the body can also occur through extensive physical training.

The first celestial body, which`s energy and its effects on humans and our planet are described in the book, is the Sun. Often the Sun's energy is associated with immense egocentricity and self-centeredness. Sun people can dazzle others with their bright shine and brighten the environment with tremendous achievements, but it is not beneficial when energy is transmitted only on their own terms and only when they want it. Thus, the Creator's power has been aware, that if the integration between the energies of our solar system`s 10 major planets ever happens, all solar people must at least once in their earthly lives lower their self-consciousness to eradicate their deeply ingrained self-centeredness.

The book gives a detailed description of the ten celestial bodies and energies, that come from them and how they affect people. If we have acquaintances, who have mostly one kind of energy, such as the sun or the moon, there are also moments of recognition and clarity.

As the Moon people are very introverted by nature and rather non-physical communicators, many of them have been moved to the Sun to learn to be more open and friendly there. The moon was originally inhabited by soul energy, from which the karma system has sprung. Now, when the Earth is in control of pure spiritual energy, the Moon and soul energies no longer have a reason to be here. From the mid-1980-s, when the indigo energy gradually began to arrive on Earth, the Moon gradually began to dissociate from the overall integration of our solar system, and consciously joined another solar system around 2000. The moon is visible to us, but it no longer belongs here energetically. Since 1995, all children have been born on Earth, no longer with an aura of soul but with an indigo-aura. At the same time, astronomers and scientists began to report the moon's moving away from Earth - the center of development and integration of our solar system. Now, when the soul energy is no longer renewed in the human aura, it makes no sense to allow the Moon people, who are soul-level beings, to come to the Earth, because they would not feel at home here and therefore could not be a part of futures earthly cooperation in spiritual plan.

Since 2004, all children have been born with crystalline energy and since 2009, with crystallized body energy. At that time, people, who were strongly connected to the Moon`s soul energy and non-spiritual parts of the Moon's energy, began to feel, that they were having difficulty keeping it up with life, and people were struggling with concentration and dementia. More than usual, humans were diagnosed with cancer, a disease originally derived from the Moon's energy, that astrologically belongs to the sign of cancer.

Because in 2014, when the book was written, the connection between the Moon and earthly life had ceased, which means that at the soul level there is no longer any support or renewal of consciousness for anyone on planet Earth. The only way we can experience the Moon now is to look into the night sky or physically drive there.

All Moon people and people in souls level remain consciously there, where they are or can do nothing but follow their predestined destiny. Alternatively, they may choose to adjust their consciousness to the spirit level.

With the disappearance of the Moon from the solar system, human beings' longing for an all-embracing mother also disappeared, meaning that more independent children are now born and there is no risk, that they will hold on to their mother's aprons ribbons for life.

In this way, the book describes all the celestial bodies, that affect us more and their energies.

It was just a small glimpse at what was in this book. The work is quite voluminous and I listened to it myself in audio because I was running at the same time.