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One book that helps us create the right conditions for us to activate our "awakening".

2019-11-11 12:29:39

The book was published in english 2015 "Emergence: Seven Steps for Radical Life Change", translated into estonian in 2016.

There has been talk about awakening for centuries, but in the 21st century, the law of awakening describes the nature of our development process. The awakening of the supreme state of consciousness within the human being is our innate right - also called enlightenment, satori, moxha or brightening. Although we do not cause the Law of the Awakening to occur in our lives, instead we create the conditions in which it can arise. Consciousness can be fertilized by the mental technique of Derek Rydall, with his teaching of seven steps to create the appropriate conditions for activating our "awakening".

Practicing these techniques opens up a new, different way of communicating and responding to the internal and external situations that occur every day. Instead of reacting like before, getting angry or sad, we can choose compassionate, patient and forgiving behavior. These exercises can also be done while brushing your teeth or washing the dishes, driving on the freeway or walking with the dog. The writer makes it clear to us, that we do not have to give up human pleasures in our pursuit of enlightenment.

He describes how he came to write this book, his own path of self-development, and how crises in life can lead people to the right path.

The writer talks about several breakthroughs in his life. At one point during his lecture, he saw that the whole personality development model was inherently wrong. We do not have to "attract" anything, because we are not lacking, we do not need to improve ourselves, because Me is already perfect. We simply need to create the right conditions for our innate potential to be realized. That's the law of awakening.

This shift in perspective has brought with it a clear understanding, that our deepest desires are not achievable outside of us, but point to what is within us that desires to come out. If we make the false assumption, that we are broken or inadequate, it can never lead us to true self-realization, no matter what technique we use. This does not mean that this is an end of our personal development and the developing of our innate talents and abilities. The writer emphasizes that it is the end of the illusion as if we needed improvement to be complete.

The book deals with seven stages of awakening, where the first step is to see the whole picture, the second is to create the right conditions, the third is to make a quantum plan, the fourth step is to give others what we miss ourselves; fifth, to act as if we were already there; the sixth proposes to accept the seeming weaknesses and, seventh, to be patient, because most of the work is done unobtrusively under the surface. Just as a farmer has to take care of the seed and cultivate the soil until the shoot is firmly rooted. We must wait patiently for the seeds to be planted, not to sprinkle all the time without waiting for them to sprout.

The book explains each of these steps in depth and gives us some good tips on how to enjoy life.

I listened to it in audio a while ago, now I started it again to remember.