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One book by Sandra Anne Taylor, that helps us on our journey to success, wealth and happiness.

2019-11-29 13:39:53

Originally published in 2006, "Quantum Success - The Astonishing Science of Wealth and Happiness", talks about seven universal laws of success, personal power, magnetic energy, invisible helpers and obstacles along the way.

The 7 Universal Laws of Success are:

1) The Manifestation Law shows how things start. In quantum physics, consciousness creates reality and it also applies to the personal world. What we notice at ourselves, becomes reality. So our consciousness creates our reality, but that does not mean, that we consciously create our own destiny. In fact, most of us are completely unaware of how we create the situations we find ourselves in later. Thus, one of the first requirements of the manifestation law is to identify exactly, what we are focusing on. Optimistic mind, hope, joy and peace should always be chosen if we want to succeed.

2) The Law of Attraction is about what we attract and according to it we can attract the same kind of energy, that we emit out. Long before we encountered a life situation, our energy has sent messages about us to the people we encounter. Thus we find situations similar to our energy. We create our own personal resonance through thoughts, feelings and physical energy. When we have a lot of fears, we attract, what we fear. When we are angry, we attract situations and people, that make us even more angry. Positive results can only be accompanied by peaceful emotions and positive thoughts. Emotions start with thoughts and thoughts can be controlled and directed. When a distressing thought has triggered a bad emotion, that is beginning to take over us, it can be alleviated by physical movement, deep soothing breathing, muscle relaxation, and trying to instill positive thoughts instead of negative thoughts.

3) The Law of Pure Desire - In order to get the right relationship with the powerful forces of the third Universal Law , our goal must be pure and genuine, not manipulative, and based on fear or despair. When we move from the energies of desire and despair to the energies of joyful hope and expectation, we can be sure, that our wish will come true. But when we are filled with fear and doubt, we send out a dark energy, that prevents the fulfillment of desire. Excitement and enthusiasm resemble the amplifiers of the sound system, which give energy to the desire`s fulfillment process.

4) The Law of Paradoxical Request reflects the Law of Attraction with the warning, that our negative energy corresponds to us. If we desperately wish for something and are afraid, that it cannot be done, then our wish cannot be fulfilled. The Universe wants us to enjoy life now at the current moment and not wait for a happiness, that could maybe arrive some day. The best energy flows, when we release the urgent need and trust, that the Universe will fulfill our desire. If we are tormented by something, we do not have, we will attract even more shortages. But if we rejoice over what we already have, there will be even more reasons to rejoice in our lives. We get, what we want, if we know we don't need it for being happy. Therefore, it is worth pursuing our goals because we want them to enrich an already happy life, not because we are unhappy without them.

5) The Law of Harmony states, that if we consciously choose to balance and align with the Universe, our application and energy will open the gates of the Universe`s abundance and wealth - people and situations appear in our lives, that will help fulfill our desires. The most harmonious and successful emotions are love, peace, acceptance and enthusiasm.

6) The Law of Good Conduct is closely related to attraction. While the Law of Attraction deals primarily with how we treat ourselves, the principle addressed in this chapter extends to how we treat others. It is often thought, that treating yourself well is selfish or that treating others well requires sacrifice. The law of Good Conduct shows, that this does not have to be so. According to this principle, you should ask yourself by every decision you make: "Do I respect myself and others by doing this?" The energy of respect is one of the most appealing of the energies sent out, and it is based on love.

7) The Law of Impact shows how our resonance affects others and how others affect us. Emotions are contagious and everyone's energy is powerful. Because we are all interconnected through quantum interconnections, you never know, where or when they will blossom when you sow the seed of your application and act enthusiastically. Extended operation, where we sow seeds in different places, such as dispatching our CV-s to multiple companies in search of work, helps to reduce the urgent need and avoids the negative effects of paradoxical application. When looking for a job, if we have found a potential company we would like to go to, but do not know, if we will be selected, it will help if we look at many other companies as well. We just have to be calm and trust the Universe, that it will send us the best possible choice and fulfill our desires in the best possible way.

The second part of the book deals with six personal forces:
1) Power of Release
2) Power of Consciousness
3) Power of Energy
4) Power of Application
5) Power of Choice  
6) Power of Love

The third part is about the five magnetic energies, the fourth part is about the steps to success.
The following sections discuss the difficulties, that may arise, as well as helpers such as angels and other higher powers.
Since the book is written in a simple and understandable way, and most importantly in a positive way, it is always good to read it again.