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A book that speaks of thought patterns, love, inner peace and healing.

2019-05-14 07:09:22

Life is actually simple: what you get is what you gave out before.

What we think of ourselves, becomes reality. Every person creates his own experience with thoughts and feelings. If we create peace, harmony, and balance in our minds, then that is what we are lurking in our lives. As a young child, we learn to judge ourselves and life according to the testimony and example of adults. And later, as an adult, we tend to recreate our childhood home environment. We treat ourselves the same way our parents did.

Thought is the thing worth working on and you can change your thoughts. The most common human opinion is: "I am not good enough." Hostility, critical mind, guilt and fear are the worst worries in the world, expressed in suffering and physical illness and distress. The writer also associates negative thoughts with specific illnesses, such as hostility to cancer, critical sensation with arthritis, and many others, that she explains well in her book.

To get rid of the past, forgiveness must begin, which you do`nt necessarily have to know, how to do it, but it is enough the will, that you want to do it. Forgiveness means unleashing, not that you have to minimize bad behavior.

Louise L. Hay is a lecturer in metaphysics, a teacher and she has written a number of bestsellers. People go to her for advice and the second chapter of the book describes how a reception looks like usually. To begin with, she asks her clients some basic questions, such as:

What's going on in their lives?

What is their financial situation?

How is their love life?

Are they happy with their job?

How is their health?

Our inner thoughts are expressed with the words we use. Sometimes the words of the clients are not suited to their experiences, in this case the therapist sees, that they either do not understand, what is actually happening in their life or they do not speak the truth. Either will be the basis for starting the work.

Next, the background of these responses and the reasons, why things are wrong, are dealt with and then different thinking patterns have to change.This is done through exercises, meditation, control of thoughts.The book speaks interestingly and thoroughly about relationships, both interpersonal and relationships with work, success and money.

Diseases are not the only expressions of negative thoughts; similarly, accidents are expressions of anger. They refer to the accumulated depression, that has been caused, when a person feels, that he has not been allowed to stand for himself.

Abscess, burns, wounds, fever, pain, heartburn and inflammation are the way the body expresses anger.

However, obesity symbolizes the need for a sense of security.

Feet carry on in life, so the problems with the legs often indicate the fear of going forward and the reluctance to move in a certain direction. Blood vessel expansion refers to not being able to move forward at work or from a place we hate.

The knees, like the neck, are connected with flexibility.

Our feet are related to understanding; how we get ourselves and life.

In the case of skin problems we feel, that others decide too much about us.

The book outlines a table of diseases and illnesses, what is their probable cause and what is the new thinking, that would help change it.The book reminds me of the  estonian healer and writer Luule Viilma, who has  left us some years ago. I have read her books many times and I recommend them too.

Louise L. Hay has written several books, that have all been a good reading for self-development.