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4 most favorite books to read from time to time and to recommend

2019-11-20 11:22:03

Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD. book "Primal Panacea", Alejandro Junger, MD, Amely Greeden's book "Clean", Anders Hansen's "The Real Happy Pill" and Stefan Klein's "The Science of Happiness". These 4 books are the ones to recommend first.

1) First, Thomas E. Levy's research on vitamin C treatment has been published  in English 2011. 

He is a physician and medical researcher and has been writing the book for 15 years, working on many studies on vitamin C worldwide and citing more than 1200 references to experiments, litigation, and everything that comes with fighting for vitamin c treatment. The book provides a great deal of invaluable information to doctors and also to ordinary people, and it turns out that the panacea, that cures almost any disease very quickly and without any side effects, exists and has not been discovered now, but has been studied and used for many years. The book talks about health, the body's functioning mechanisms, diseases, digestion and much more.

2) Alejandro Junge's book "Clean" is published in English 2009. 

 It also talks about health, the body's functioning mechanisms, nutrition and digestion, and it is very thorough, educational and exciting. He explains the reasons behind our feelings of discomfort and suggests tips for a healthier life.

3) Anders Hansen's "The Real Happy Pill" (2016 published originally in swedish) talks about how movement strengthens our brain. 

 It is excitingly written and very concise. While the above books talk more about nutrition, this book deals more with the importance of exercise in our lives, is also scientific, deals with various studies and experiments.

4) Stefan Klein's book  "The Science of Happiness" has been translated to estonian in 2002.

 It talks about what's going on in our bodies and brain, how different hormones are produced, how our thinking and lifestyle influence our mood and self-esteem. It also deals with various studies and experiments carried out, for example, on mice, rats and monkeys.