Benny Boddorf

Take Code Review Seriously Reviewing the code is not only an effective way to detect errors, it is also a great way to generate discussion and share knowledge among team members. When it comes to reviewing the code you may find yourself in two situations: You get the criticism: in this case you must have a receptive attitude, you should not take it as a negative criticism of your work. You must take advantage of the experience of the team you are part of to improve. You review the code: do it in a constructive way, as you would have liked to have been told. Take the opportunity to spread best practices, and why not, you can even learn something new from the code you're reviewing.

Benny Boddorf

Specialize We continue to insist on the rapid and profound changes in technology. It is obvious that it is impossible to keep track of all of them, so we recommend that you choose a "small" field in which to focus: front-end developer, back-end developer (at this point we all know that the full-stack developer is a "real" chimera), mobile applications, database administrator expert, ... If you're looking for work, a good recruiter will value a candidate who is an expert in X who is also honest in recognizing that he doesn't know Y, than another candidate who claims to know X, Y, Z, and I don't know what else but doesn't really know any.

Benny Boddorf

Don't marry anyone. All people who program for some strange reason have a favorite language, with which they feel more comfortable working. However, this does not mean that they should be with him "until death do you part". In fact, as we mentioned at the beginning of the article, technology is constantly evolving, and new languages and platforms are constantly being developed. The language or platform is just one more tool within this work, and as such, it is important to really know and master more than one, using the most appropriate one at each moment. With this we are not saying that you should know in an exhaustive way tropecientos, but only one is a bit limiting, don't you think?

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