Few years ago I was in New York City, and became my daily job or routine. Make music to make people smile. And also they were paying me back, because they liked what they see.
The video was an intro of myself and showing my phone number and email on my business card.
Now I’m in italy and I got Italian phone number. But the email is still the same. Enjoy.
Basking on the street, allows you to generate emeotions to the other. No matter where or when you are playing, a passing soul will receive something great, like the melody of a music. Good vibration in general. Don't now why often people take pictures instead of listening or recording, I guess they like the context, of being there, with my violin, at that time, playing that melody, that could be so grateful for someone. Remembering past emotions or situation.
Big hugs to everybody. Stay tuned. And generate good vibes with your smiles.