anthony Onyia

PART 3" THAT NIGHT IN ROOM 401" @Opeyemi Akintunde Funny Enough... That day started as a normal day.  I had been invited to minister  in  Kenya.    Larry,  my  Keyboardist  went  with  me  as  usual.  The ministration was powerful. I retired to my room, Room 401 to have my rest, when Larry called me...“Grace, I am bored... Can I come over”? Those were the words that landed my back on the bed... Larry came and from emotional talks, we graduated to appreciating each other's body... "Grace, do you know you have the cutest lips ever, they are so small but beautiful no wonder, it produces sweet Melody... "That gave way to kisses... In thirty something minutes, the predicted had happened, Larry had done what he wanted to do and seriously speaking, it wasn't exceptional.  In fact, my husband was much better.... Right from that moment, regret set in, self-condemnation set in... Instantly, I had a feeling something left me... With tears in my eyes for disappointing God, I asked Larry to please excuse me.... Words failed me, asI couldn't pray to ask God for forgiveness... The words were too heavy, all I did that night was shed tears. My husband kept calling like he suspected something... “Honey, are you OK? I am having that feeling when something is wrong with you ...You know that sharp pain in my heart... “All I did was cry..."My Grace"...He never called me Grace, but "My Grace"“My Grace, was your ministration bad, you didn’t do well? Answer me please"...I heard real love speaking to me, and for the first time, I felt LOVE for my husband, but I knew this love had been injured... He promised he was coming to Kenya the next morning to give me moral support for the second day of the ministration... I slept off in tears but woke up panting.... I had a Dream... I saw myself with a heavy mass of hair on my head, my hair in the dream was so long, it drew attention to me ... Suddenly, I saw Larry with a big gardener's scissor. He chopped off my hair till I became bald.. I did not understand the meaning of this dream, but I kept it a secret.... Two months later, I discoveredI was pregnant for Larry.... Did my dream have anything to do with this pregnancy? Should I have been happy or sad about this pregnancy, since I had been barren for 12 years? These were the questions that haunted me... Please can you answer them before I continue my tale?

anthony Onyia

THAT NIGHT IN ROOM 401 "PART 2" @Opeyemi Akintunde I can imagine a lot of solutions you would have come up with about my dilemma but “Itis Easier said and advised than done"... My situation was like that of a person caught between Pharaoh and the "red sea"...I was in a marriage where circumstances beyond my control was the basis for the marriage. I married my husband at the age of 19 as a way out of poverty to take care of my Single Diabetic mother and my three younger sisters...So to behonest, I had never feltLove all my life till I met Larry, my keyboardist... Even God knew this was the first time I had ever felt the thing called " LOVE"....Point of correction, it wasn't lust, I felt LOVE...the love that tore at my heart....Love that made me happy but yet couldn't  be expressed. This made me lose weight. I tried to back off, I tried looking for another keyboardist,But.... Unfortunately for me, Larry was the kind of man I wanted, He was spiritual( He was full of the Word of God, we prayed for hours together), He was musically inclined, He knew how to make me laugh till I had tears in my eyes, something my husband never achieved for years of being married. I faked my happiness, and the only thing that ever made me smile was my MUSIC...And Larry was in my Music...My in-laws did not make matters easy, as Daniel and I were not from the same  tribe,  my  husband  was  Igbo,  and  the  fact  I  was  Yoruba  was  not acceptable..., I always felt misplaced, But Larry, my keyboardist was from my tribe, andthis made us jell well.Also,  there  is  something  I  haven't  mentioned,  My  husband  Daniel  had been declared Medically infertile, he had what was called " NO SPERM count"....but Larry, my keyboardist was so fertile he had 4 girls and 2 boys with his wife...Now  do  you  see  why,  I  wept  on  nights  when  I  wished  I  was  married  to Larry....Before  I  go  on  in  my  tale, wasI  wrong  to  have  had  this  thoughts,  and wish? I need your sincere answers to be continue...

anthony Onyia

THAT NIGHT IN ROOM 401: Part 1"  @Opeyemi Akintunde: I was at that point in my music career when my voice was the hit... I was a Gospel Musician but with a very unique voice and style of music. Larry was my keyboardist, He was divinely anointed to play the Keyboard. He was married and I was too....He just knew how to play the right tune.... He gave my music its style... Our families knew each other well, my husband never saw him as a threat, and neither did his wife have a problem with us travelling around for sold out shows.... He was the instrument, I was the voice... A match ordained by God to bless lives....Emotions started getting in the way, I started seeing ways in which he was better  than  my  husband. He  started  seeing  how  we  fit  each  other perfectly... We couldn't help each other as sometimes we would shed tears of wishing we were married to each other. Our thought was If we were married, we would be a couple doing great exploits for the LORD... Sometimes I felt like hugging him so tight and it took strong will not to touch his soft lips... He sometimes would give me a big hug after our show, onlookers thought it was just a professional hug, but he would whisper “I love you more than anything in this world, I wish you were mine"It  was genuine,  I  loved  him  and  He  loved  me...  But  we were  married to other people! Before I go on in my tale,  what do you think I should have done?... if you were in my  shoes,  What would you have done???? I need your genuine answers To be continue Always leave comment after reading to know you are following

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