Sonagnon Anthony OLAF HOUNGBEME

I think you have read this phrase often: 'You must love yourself first'. or this phrase: 'Loving yourself is to stop wanting to be someone else and to accept who we are.' the art of loving yourself. And it is important to live the life that resembles us and to feel fulfilled: knowing, understanding and loving each other are the first essential steps. But what to do when you spend your time judging, criticizing and talking harshly. To love yourself is not to be selfish, and to think of yourself as the center of the world. Love is not a Lego movement. To love yourself is to reconnect with our nature. It is learning to know yourself, to understand yourself, to accept yourself as you are. It is the necessary starting point to create and live the life that looks like us. Loving yourself is also an essential step Before you turn to others and love them in the best possible way. How do you stack up against self-love, self-esteem? Do you feel like you're pretty critical of yourself, judging yourself harshly, criticizing yourself? Do you regularly compare yourself to others and always feel like what they are doing, that their way of being, is better than yours? On the contrary, do you have the habit of consoling yourself, encouraging yourself, congratulating yourself ?. Loving yourself is simply replacing our criticism with encouragement and praise.

Sonagnon Anthony OLAF HOUNGBEME

¿Cómo tomar una buena decisión?  1 - No tome una decisión bajo la emoción No tome la decisión de invertir o comprar o vender bajo la emoción del momento. Antes de tomar una decisión, es mejor comparar lo que inspira tus instintos y tus emociones, con lo que dicen las cifras. Esto significa que solo depende de lo racional y los números para decidir. Lo principal es discernir cuándo dominan tus emociones para mantenerlas bajo control. 2 - Tenga cuidado con su estado de ánimo en este momento Se enfrenta a una decisión difícil, para la cual las ventajas y desventajas se equilibran entre sí, vuelven rápidamente a las consideraciones de hecho y se aseguran de que las emociones permanezcan neutrales. El día que se sienta cansado o pesimista, tenderá a inclinarse hacia una solución más segura y fácil. Por otro lado, cuando te sientes optimista y emprendedor, tiendes a exagerar las posibilidades de ganancia. Al decidir, tenga en cuenta cómo se siente y cómo afecta sus sentimientos y estado de ánimo de una manera u otra. Para la próxima decisión, averigüe qué lo justifica. Si no alinea 1 o 2 razones objetivas, cuantificadas y racionales, esto es una señal de que está a punto de tomar una decisión contaminada por la emoción.

Sonagnon Anthony OLAF HOUNGBEME

How to make a good decision  1 - Do not make a decision under the emotion Do not make a decision to invest or buy or sell under the emotion of the moment. Before making a choice, it is better to compare what inspires your instincts and your emotions, with what the figures say. This means that you only rely on the rational and the numbers to decide. The main thing is to discern when your emotions dominate to keep them under control. 2 - Beware of your mood at the moment You are faced with a difficult decision, for which the advantages and disadvantages are balanced, quickly return to factual considerations and ensure that the emotions remain neutral. The day you feel tired or pessimistic, you will tend to lean toward a safer and easier solution. On the other hand, when you feel optimistic and enterprising, you tend to overstate the possibilities of gain. When deciding, be aware of how you feel, and how it affects your feelings and mood in one way or another. For the next decision, find out what justifies it. If you fail to align 1 or 2 objective, quantified, rational reasons, this is a sign that you are about to make a decision polluted by emotion.

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