Anna Sadovaya


Anna Sadovaya


Sei stanco del solito scamm? Di Hype non ne vuoi sentir più nominare? bene! ho qualcosa che fa proprio al caso tuo! ti da il 10% al mese del tuo deposito ;) se sei curioso/a allora entra nel gruppo TELEGRAMM e di che ti ho presentato io! Anna Sadovaya! Ci vediamo dall'altra parte ciao!

Anna Sadovaya


I would like to thank my entire personally sponsored team for sticking with EXW over the past months and staying calm whilst we go through this transition into what we all hope and believe will be a brilliant Global Exchange Wallet that will continue to evolve and develop into a service that will not only be super useful to many of us but hopefully provide a long term sustainable extra income. I look forward to the new wallets that are being added to the platform for BitCoin Cash, LiteCoin, Ripple, USDT, USDC, and hopefully many more as we grow. I also look forward to the introduction of the SEPA Bank accounts and the Debit and Credit card facility which many of us will utilise within this platform. The strength of the company will be determined by the strength of our Network in my opinion and thats why I continue to support and promote the EXW wallet and help to grow my own personal network for EXW. So BIG THANKS all my personal team.

Anna Sadovaya


My feeling is that when EXW have their automated payments working and the debit cards and SEPA Accounts activated then EXW will explode as a business.

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