Tips For Guitarmen

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Best YouTube Channels for Guitarmen!

2019-05-13 19:57:08

Hello Guitarman! I am sure you spent hours and hours surfing Youtube looking for tips, lessons, new technics to exercise with... I did too... and here I share the best channels I found to learn good stuff about our favourite instrument! Enjoy!

Best YouTube channels for Guitarmen

 make a difference. Only a few that  can teach you something relevant or inspire you in a way that might change the way you play forever.reallyThere is millions of blogs and pages about guitars out there but there is only a few that 
I list here those that made a difference to me. For some reason every and each of these channels added some spice to the way I play and feel music.
I am sure you can find some spice too and push the boundaries of your creativity a step further!

Rick Beato

This is kind of 'maestro' for many musicians, guitarists, and you-tubers too. Rick talks about music in any sense, from theory lessons to composition. He spread music culture through his channel and inspire others.

My favourite playlist is 'What makes this song great": a deep dive into a song in order to understand the technical and emotional reasons behind its success.

Signals Music Studio

Jake is a mix between a teacher and an actor, he can explain tough theory concept and make them fun and easy! All about songwriting, harmony, rythme and many more...

Music Theory For Guitar

As the title says, here you will find a comprehensive library of musi theory lessons. Well explained and applied to guitar in a very strait forward, practical way.

Chusss Music

The best library of backing tracks ever. You can find blues, rock and ballads. Don't miss the arabic-sounding (Phrygian) tracks: they are amazing!

Frog Leap Studios

Leo Moracchioli is a talented musician and producer. He records covers of contemporary hits rearranged in a metal mood and gives recording tips for home studios passionates.

Ultimate Guitar

Before being a Youtube channel this is a Website

It is my go-to website for guitar: Tabs, news, lessons, reviews... It has a premium membership which grant access to a verified tabs and backing tracks to allow you playing your favourite jam like a pro!

It's all for now! let me know your favourite channel or website!


Photo by Stephen Niemeier from Pexels