The Great Allan

Lifestyle Entrepreneur

The Great Allan

Lifestyle Entrepreneur

Gold Cycle Frequency by Nuno Nina!

2020-02-25 00:15:52

Healy and You is the Next Big Thing! Nutritional supplements have generated billions in sales in the past few years. Experts say the next major future trends in body management is an intelligent wearable that we use every day. Experience Healy evolution all over the world!

The Gold Cycle Frequency!

The Gold Frequencies were developed together with the Portuguese clinical director and researcher Nuno Nina. Nuno Nina has successfully treated thousands of patients in his clinics with his proven therapy protocols for over 15 years. The Gold Cycle is based on the three programs: Balance, Being and Pure. The balance should energetically balance the physical and Being the emotional functions, while Pure stimulates the excretory organs to support recovery from environmental causes of energetic imbalance. These three programs can be used alternately every day to strengthen your bioenergetic field. The Care program can be used when you feel your system is particularly challenged. With Healy technology together with Nuno Nina's expertise is now available and can experience at all times.

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