The Great Allan

Lifestyle Entrepreneur

The Great Allan

Lifestyle Entrepreneur

Earn 10,000 Influencer Points in a Day or More!💲💲💲

2020-07-08 13:12:26

Welcome to #eliteph team! #eliteph team is an independent group inside the Webtalk community. Our goal is to help everyone on the platform to monetize and earn good money in everyday social activities.

#eliteph is a team of committed and passionate individuals in participating in the ‘’Love and Support concept. In this way, we can easily grow our influencer points in a day by doing a simple act of support to each post (like, comment, and share). Imagine the number of points everyone is making in this simple act of support, the more we are united the more we become powerful. ‘’Together We Are Strong!

What to Do:

1. Each time you make a post don’t forget to put #eliteph, in this way our participating members easily find and identify your post for them to engage. (see sample post)

2. Each time you open your Webtalk portal, go to the ‘’search button’’ and type #eliteph and it will show purely in your newsfeed all the posts of the participating members, get engage and support everyone’s posts.

A very simple concept but powerful, now let’s make 10,000 points each in a day or even more than that with this support system we have!

Also, please share this with your team!