Michele Furlan

Founder President

Robotics: Brain Computer Interface (BCI)

2019-07-03 08:01:53

Significant improvements in mind-controlled robotic arm.

In recent years the field of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) made significant advancements. However, one of the crucial problems still to tackle pertains to the control of prostheses. Until now, one of the most precise ways to control a bionic arm was provided by invasive implants (i.e., chip connected to neurons). However, a new groundbreaking research shows that a similar, if not higher, accuracy can be obtained by noninvasive BCI too. Specifically, a team of researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in collaboration with the University of Minnesota developed the first-ever successful mind-controlled robotic arm exhibiting the ability to continuously track and follow a computer cursor controlled by one’s thoughts. This means having the possibility to move a robotic arm without having brain surgery, a life changing advancement for all the patients who lost a limb. Original article: https://robotics.sciencemag.org/content/4/31/eaaw6844