Marie Kuijken in Concert

Classical music from my home

Marie Kuijken in Concert

Classical music from my home

Sigiswald Kuijken & Marie Kuijken Perform Mozart

2021-05-19 12:07:15

Live-streaming from my home. Concerts available online for a full month from the premiere, on (Part One, Part Two, or Full Series!)

Nearly all revenue from ticket sales on SparrowLive goes directly to the performing artists. By buying tickets for these streaming concerts, you are indeed directly helping me to continue my profession and to endure the pandemic as a freelance musician.

If you wish, you can purchase both concerts together for a reduced price (just click on "Live Stream Full Series"). Of course, you can also buy Part One or Part Two separately.

After you buy a ticket, SparrowLive will send you a private link by email, where you can attend the premiere.

You're not free to attend at the moment of the premiere? No problem! You can open the link at a later time and enjoy the concert at any time that suits you.

With the same link you can listen again to the concert, as often as you like, for a full month after the premiere!

Part One is available from May 21st (8pm) to June 21st,

Part Two is available from May 28th (8 pm) to June 28th.

Of course, nothing can replace a performance you attend in person!... We hope, as you do, that it will soon be possible to resume the traditional way of in presence musical events.

Still, a live stream on SparrowLive does have its advantages:

* It is a live performance, with its freshness. No fragmented and polished studio recording, but an experience in the moment itself, lived together.

* The concert is recorded with professional audio and video quality.

* By definition, you are sitting in the front row! You can hear and listen optimally, no one is sitting in front of you blocking your view, and no one is coughing annoyingly, or rustling their program book during the concert...

* When you buy a ticket for the premiere, you can also listen to the concert an unlimited number of times, for as long as it remains on SparrowLive (one full month from the premiere).

* This means that if you wish, by repeated listening you can let Mozart's music deeply penetrate in yourself, or you can have the concert play in the background while you do something else, to which the music adds an extra dimension...

Looking forward to meeting you virtually! 
Marie Kuijken

by Marie Kuijken