Marie Kuijken

Bach Blossoms

2021-03-25 18:56:17

A Garland of Preludes and Fugues from J.S.Bach's “Well Tempered Clavier“
Live-streamed Concert 
Première: 26th of March 2021
(Online till 25th of April)

Spend some mindful time listening to these gems of baroque harpsichord music, for in the words of the composer, "Gods gracious presence is always felt in thoughtful music..."

Musica medicina dolorum: quite like those other "Bach Blossom" remedies, you can use these musical flowers to move yourself into a state of major inner harmony. Each Prelude or Fugue has its particular atmosphere, where you can dwell in and come back to, over again. By listening several times, you will savour this music evermore, and feel its harmony come over you, like the beauty of spring flowers.

by Marie Kuijken