David Abreu

Get out of your comfort zone right now!

2019-12-13 14:55:47

This short article is not for you if you just want to live a comfort live and have no ambitions. You can’t get both, if you want to grow in any aspect of your life you need once in awhile get out of your comfort zone.

Get out!

Just imaging, you began working out. First day you lift a weight that is so difficult for you to handle, but at some point, you feel comfortable and your muscles  get tougher. Soon, your instructor says you need to increase the weight. That makes you uncomfortable again. However, if you don’t do it, your muscles will just stay at their current status.

Life is very similar. Any field or aspect of you life that you want to evolve you gotta feel at some sense uncomfortable and not move away from your challenges. So, when things get a little harsh that might be sign it is the way to go.

“When things get a little harsh that might be sign it is the way to go.”