LKS Foundation

Business & Finanza

LKS Foundation

Business & Finanza

Support your network

2020-05-31 09:01:16

Discover the platform with integrated LKSCOIN: Cam.TV

Today we can also have an impact on people who are physically more distant from us.

We can show our appreciation for their thoughts, their contents and their products, directly within a social network, in a context that is already congenial and familiar to us.

This is especially true within Cam.TV: the first success case of LKSCOIN in which the idea that likes are worth money is already a reality.Within the platform, in fact, we can support our network not only morally but also economically.

Find out more in this article about how LKSCOIN works within Cam.TV: 

>> LKSCOIN and Cam.TV: the first successful use case