LKS Foundation

Founder Junior


2020-03-29 15:22:44



In today's social media driven world, more and more people are using social networks not only to pass their time, but also to interact with other people, to share their stories, to share videos and photos, and to write helpful posts and courses.

Today users are responsible for creating social networks, a treasury of knowledge and wealth, but at what cost?

The problem with almost all of today's social networks is that by using them, users sign-off most of their content rights. Also, there is no way to track the ownership of the user produced content and original authors are quickly lost in a sea of reposts, reshares, and outright stealing.

At the same time, more and more people are online and the demand for any kind of digital content is increasing exponentially but given these factors, it will be mainly the platforms that will benefit from this growth and earn from them, not the producers of the content.


The LKS Foundation aims to reverse this trend by giving content producers a tool that allows them to be the main beneficiaries of their work.

This tool is LKSCOIN, the most significant knowledge sharing token of the future.

A token that takes the power from the social network owners and gives it back to the users, a token that is easy to implement, easy to maintain and brings users to participate to the security of the network and are incentivized to do it.

Thanks to revolutionary blockchain technology, LKS Foundation has managed to create a tool that can be applied to all existing or future social networks which deal with the copyright problem.


LKS Foundation is a non-profit organization and aims to promote and disseminate scientific, technical and economic culture, with particular regard to the internet applications in social, economic and cultural life.

LKSCOIN is the first big step for the LKS Foundation and it will remain from now onward one of its pillars.

By educating social media end-users about their rights and possibilities LKSCOIN will become the instrument that lets users access / give access to any type of digital content in any platforms that decide to integrate it, maintaining all the content copyrights to the authors.

LKS Foundation’s mission is to revolutionise social networks of today and fight for social network users’ rights.

Ultimately, LKS Foundation wants to shape the future where no one needs to think about fine print “terms of use” when choosing a social network they want to use, as all their content will be protected and they will be compensated for them.

For this mission to fully succeed, LKS Foundation knows a secondary NFT (Non Fungible Token) will have to be implemented.

Cam.TV is the first use case for testing LKSCOIN. With about 300.000 active users and up to 30.000 daily token transactions, it is the perfect partner from which to validate the market and the technology. Cam.TV is a social network created to generate an economic system suitable for the enhancement of users' talents, who can monetize with LKSCOIN thanks to content sharing. In detail it is a platform that allows you to offer and get advice, webinars, live courses, video streaming, tutorials, e-books and any other material. On the LKSCOIN side, Cam.TV is a great platform to start with, in order to grow the Foundation’s business.

From March 31st to May 27th LKSCOIN Tokens will be purchasable for € 0,01 each, these are Tokens sold by LKS Foundation, and not by Cam.TV.

By buying them from Cam.TV you will obtain a 5% discount.

At the end of the launch campaign, the LKSCOIN Token will be officially listed on EIDOO and free on market, from that moment on, its price will be volatile.


The IT revolution has not stopped, riding the wave of human genius. In the wake of this change, our economic system has been deeply transformed by the so-called “network effect” rise.

Everything started with the internet, world wide web and online platforms. The network effect’s disruptive power influences to the core the social and economic organization, and even today this transformation process continues its takeover with new technologies geared to build the Web 3.0. The main component is undoubtedly the blockchain: it decentralizes the various operations carried out by the market players and connects them in a global scale never seen before. This decentralized technology allows a computer network to store a property rights’ database, thanks to a protocol that works online.

Token economy efficiently aligns the individual incentives with the entire system, because the tokens’ value that people earn depends also from the organization value. In a token economy people work not just for themselves but also fo the whole network.